Skiing (I'm still alive, yay)

Sooo, here comes the second post. About my second "holiday". I mean, it wasn't a proper holiday, technically I was still working, but I had free time as well and I got to see a new place, so I think of it as a half holiday, at least. I went to a winter camp from work, so I was in the mountains near the border to Poland with seventeeen kids, their parents, and three colleagues from work. It took us about three hours to get there, and there was so. Much. Snow. Like, more than I had ever seen in my whole life, it was crazy. It was cold too (obviously haha), and it all just looked so beautiful, it was a true winter wonderland.

It was my first time skiing, too. I had missed out on the skiing camp there was at school four years ago, and I was (and still am) really happy that I got a second chance to try it. We were skiing every day in the morning. On the first day I went up to a tiny hill and was scared like (probably) my degus when they were jumping down from my bed the first time (does that make sense? I think so.) I fell the first time, but then I went again and actually it was kinda fun, so the next day I went up to the big hill. And that's when I got really scared:D I had no idea how to get on the ski lift, how to get off, and then how to get down the hill. The mum of two kids who were on the camp showed me how to stop, and then I just somehow made my way down there, and it all went well right until the very end, which was when I fell, but that was the last time that happened. Didn't fall again after that. And after a few time I got the hang out f it, and it was actually a lot of fun, and much easier than I had thought.

(Also, I love Hozier. That has nothing to do with skiing, I just wanted to add that.)

Also, everyone there had alcohol with them. On the first day I was offered alcohol maybe 5 times, and I thought it was kinda funny, but it actually really warms you up. So here is a picture of a drink called Rampušák; not sure what it actually was, but it was nice.

So in the mornings we were always skiing (except one day when we did a walk - we walked up a hill and then went down on sledges, and I still think I have not had that much fun since I was five). In the afternoon we played some games with the kids outside, and after dinner I dressed up as a viking for them. And then we just spent some time together in the evening, with games and you could do some crafts as well. It was a really good week. I just came home on Saturday and I was really tired.

Night night<3


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