Boas, snails, and other things
So, next update. Everything is going really well here and I'm always busy busy (just to emphasise this haha). I've seen so much and met so many great people in the past 12 days that I've been here, it's unbelievable. I've also put up some photos to make it a little more interesting;)
On the first picture you can see my workplace, or rather the art classroom in Louka, where I work. If you look at the curtains, you'll be able to see paper pumpkins, umbrellas, leaves etc.; I put them up last week and this week I did two more rooms. Everyone at work is just lovely; I'm helping a lot with the art classes (drawing and ceramics) and have been able to do ceramics myself with the kids; so far I've made an apple, a leaf, a mug/cup sorta thing and mushrooms:) I'm enjoying it a lot and I really appreciate it that I never get bored; there is always something I can do. Today I joined the cooking class, which was great. They made pizza and the kids were a lot of fun, and I also learned some new words: struhadlo (grater), talíř (plate), and sklenice (glass). And on Monday I was with a group of kids playing the guitar, and now I can play like 3 chords. Not a lot, but still;)
At the headquarters of Lužánky there are also lots and lots of quite eccentric animals. They have a leguan and also several boas, and the best thing is that you can actually hold them. They have rabbits too, and mice, and sooo many others:)
I also went to the lake near Brno. It's really beautiful there. The weather was absolutely crazy that day (can't see that on the photos though), but it was lovely anyway.
Also, I went to Olomouc last Saturday with my mentor and another volunteer. It was great; it's a beautiful city annnnnnd they had a flea market. I got my first proper Czech dictionary there, and a (quite communist) German textbook which was fun to look at. We also went to the cathedral there, which was very impressive, and I saw some nice graffitis, and we also went to some parks, the botanical gardens and a great farmer's market, all of wich you can see below.
This (below) is a pic of Lužánky Park
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Now: Czech food. It's really nice, I like it. Everyone here drinks beer; I realised that when I was in a cafe and was literally forced by the waiter to have a beer instead of tea. But to be fair, the beer is really good. Don't know which kind I tried though. As to food food, it's a lot. On the photo below you can see Svíčková, which is dumplings with meat and some kind of creamy sauce. It's really good, but after that you don't need anything to eat for quite sme time, as you can see. All the food here is quite inexpensive though, and I also love that you get soup before the main meal. (Soup is one of the best things ever invented anyway. Right after tea, of course.)
Oh, and also, we have snails at work! We feed them and all that, and they just sit there and do whatever it is snails do. They're having a good time I guess. By the way, the Czech word for snail is šnek. I think that' s soo cute:)) Probably funnier for Germans than for native English speakers.
Anyway, I'll keep leading my little (chaotic) life here. (I already got lost here, so there you go.) I guess I could write more, but I'm tired. Excuse my typing mistakes if any, I'm too lazy to look for them now.
Have a good night,
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