One month
So, here comes the next post. (I have realised that I actually have readers, so thank you, that gives me a better reason to write ;) ).
A lot has happened since my last post. But then again I'm so BUSY. Seriously, I've been here for a month (which is really insane), and I have not slept in properly. Not one single day. Not like you are supposed to, like lying in bed with breakfast, books and netflix and having nothing else on your mind.
It has become really cold here. It says it's 4 degrees celsius here, but it feels colder. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 1 degree almost all day. I don't even know what else to wear; I feel like an onion with all my layers. The only things keeping me from freezing are tea (having some now, not a surprise eh), my coat, blankets and candles. (Speaking of blankets, I went to Ikea last Thursday and now I have covers that have nicer colours;) ) It seems kinda surreal that about two weeks ago, I fell asleep outside in the grass because it was so warm. It's quite a change, but I'm also looking forward to winter. I hope we'll get snow. Anyway, back to about two weeks ago. There was an event at Jezirko going on (the workplace of one of the other volunteers). They offered quite a lot. We could bake some traditional bread (they called it placky)...
...then you could also make nice decoration...
...and drink this. Cooked apples with cinnamon and other spices. I really need to make this sometime soon, this is the perfect comfort food on cold days like these.
So yeah, I had a great time. And had a nap in the grass in the sun for about an hour. It was lovely. And now that it's cold I'm even happier I did it.
Here you can see a wall we painted at work (or we tried, that is). You probably can't see it properly on this photo but we painted kids playing with their toys and so on, and it was a lot of work - some of the staff and I did the lines, and on another day that week the kids painted everything. It was fun, and it looked great. The only thing was that the paint didn't stay where it was. No idea if it was the rain or something else, but apparently we had been given the wrong kind of paint, and all the work we had done was pointless. (Well, not completely because I had a good time doing it, but you know what I mean.) I hope the kids weren't too disappointed; I wasn't there when they told them. I don't know if they're gonna do it again anytime soon; with this weather (there's also lots of wind and rain, by the way) it doesn't seem likely.
I also went to the on arrival camp for EVS volunteers in Ostravice ( a small village in the countryside). Here you can see the river there, also called Ostravice. Luckily we had the opportunity to explore a bit, so we also spent some time outside. (Another volunteer and I got lost near that river. And there were signs. I'm seriously wondering what went wrong with me when it comes to my sense of direction. I mean, when you have to ask in which direction you have to go to get back to your room, which is just one building away, then you know it's bad. Today I got off one tram stop earlier because that's also really near to our flat, and I didn't find our house. But that wasn't the first time I went that way. Sometimes I despair.)
ANYWAY. On the next photos you can see some of the landscape around Ostravice. Last Sunday we did a huge walk/hike in the rain for about four hours. I was absolutely soaked, but it was a lot of fun, and the views were absolutely breathtaking. There was a lot of fog, but that made it even better.
All in all, the camp was really good. Much better than we had expected. No one of us was really optimistic about it, but I met lots of great people, we had fun, we could do our own projects, and I'm really looking forward to the midterm training.
And on Saturday my mentor and I went for a looooooong walk through the woods. It was really beautiful. We got lost a few times (not as lost as I would have got without her though), but we had a great time.
Anyway. That's it, I'm tired. My bed wants my company. So I guess all I'm trying to say is I'm good and this month has been exciting, sometimes scary and very different from things I experienced before. And if I don't write about the bad times, then it's only because all this is more important. Of course I miss Germany and my family and friends, but that's normal and what I get in exchange for that is so great that it's all worth it.
Have a good night
So, here comes the next post. (I have realised that I actually have readers, so thank you, that gives me a better reason to write ;) ).
A lot has happened since my last post. But then again I'm so BUSY. Seriously, I've been here for a month (which is really insane), and I have not slept in properly. Not one single day. Not like you are supposed to, like lying in bed with breakfast, books and netflix and having nothing else on your mind.
It has become really cold here. It says it's 4 degrees celsius here, but it feels colder. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 1 degree almost all day. I don't even know what else to wear; I feel like an onion with all my layers. The only things keeping me from freezing are tea (having some now, not a surprise eh), my coat, blankets and candles. (Speaking of blankets, I went to Ikea last Thursday and now I have covers that have nicer colours;) ) It seems kinda surreal that about two weeks ago, I fell asleep outside in the grass because it was so warm. It's quite a change, but I'm also looking forward to winter. I hope we'll get snow. Anyway, back to about two weeks ago. There was an event at Jezirko going on (the workplace of one of the other volunteers). They offered quite a lot. We could bake some traditional bread (they called it placky)...
...then you could also make nice decoration...

So yeah, I had a great time. And had a nap in the grass in the sun for about an hour. It was lovely. And now that it's cold I'm even happier I did it.
Here you can see a wall we painted at work (or we tried, that is). You probably can't see it properly on this photo but we painted kids playing with their toys and so on, and it was a lot of work - some of the staff and I did the lines, and on another day that week the kids painted everything. It was fun, and it looked great. The only thing was that the paint didn't stay where it was. No idea if it was the rain or something else, but apparently we had been given the wrong kind of paint, and all the work we had done was pointless. (Well, not completely because I had a good time doing it, but you know what I mean.) I hope the kids weren't too disappointed; I wasn't there when they told them. I don't know if they're gonna do it again anytime soon; with this weather (there's also lots of wind and rain, by the way) it doesn't seem likely.

All in all, the camp was really good. Much better than we had expected. No one of us was really optimistic about it, but I met lots of great people, we had fun, we could do our own projects, and I'm really looking forward to the midterm training.
And on Saturday my mentor and I went for a looooooong walk through the woods. It was really beautiful. We got lost a few times (not as lost as I would have got without her though), but we had a great time.
Anyway. That's it, I'm tired. My bed wants my company. So I guess all I'm trying to say is I'm good and this month has been exciting, sometimes scary and very different from things I experienced before. And if I don't write about the bad times, then it's only because all this is more important. Of course I miss Germany and my family and friends, but that's normal and what I get in exchange for that is so great that it's all worth it.
Have a good night
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